Construction Plan Books and Consulting

NAVFAC Plans Templates

Update: Nov 2024: Due to the REVISED EM-385 Standards, ALL Accident Prevention Plan (APP) Templates are being revised. If you need a template immediately, please call or email us, and we will get you what you need.

(206) 734-4600 / Jenn [at]

NAVFAC EPP - Environmental Protection Plan

NAVFAC EPP - Environmental Protection Plan

Sale Price:$397.00 Original Price:$485.00

NAVFAC Environmental Protection Plan - NAVFAC EPP - Complete Plan

The Complete Plan is approximately 81 Pages.
100% Approval Money-Back Guarantee

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NAVFAC Environmental Protection Plan - NAVFAC EPP - Complete Plan

The Complete Plan is approximately 42 Pages.
100% Approval Money-Back Guarantee


Acronyms and Abbreviations. iv

Specification Cross Reference Table. vi


1.1    Introduction. 1-1

1.2    Objective. 1-1

1.3    References. 1-3

1.4    Site Information. 1-6

1.5    Duties and Authority. 1-7

1.5.1  Environmental Manager 1-7

1.5.2  Project Management and Supervisory Personnel 1-8

1.5.3  All Project Personnel 1-8

1.6    Emergency Contact Information. 1-9

1.7    Training. 1-9

1.7.1   Contractor 40 CFR employee Training. 1-9

1.8    Contractor and Subcontractor Training. 1-9

1.9    Regulatory Notification and Permits. 1-10

2.0..... Environmental Manager

3.0..... Protection of Natural Resources

3.1    Land Resources. 3-1

3.2    Tree Protection. 3-2

3.3    Replacement of damaged Landscape Features. 3-2

3.4    Temporary Construction (Facilities and Work Areas) 3-2

3.5    Stream Crossings. 3-3

3.6    Fish and Wildlife. 3-3

3.7    Wetlands. 3-3

4.0..... Historical and Archeological Resources

4.1    Objectives. 4-1

4.2    Methods. 4-1

5.0..... Temporary Storm Water Pollution Prevention and Erosion Control

5.1    Construction Activities. 5-1

5.2    Ground Cover 5-2

5.2.1    Temporary Seeding. 5-2

5.2.2    Erosion Control Matting. 5-2

5.3    Erodible Soils. 5-3

5.4    Temporary Measures. 5-3

5.4.1    Sediment Fences. 5-6

5.4.2    Drop Inlet Protection. 5-7

5.4.3    Curb Inlet Protection. 5-10

5.4.4    Construction Entrance. 5-10

5.4.5    Dust Suppressors. 5-12

5.4.6    Plywood Inlet Protection. 5-13

5.4.7    Check Dam.. 5-14

5.4.8    Temporary Diversion Ditch. 5-15

5.4.9    Perimeter Diversion. 5-16

5.4.10  Temporary Slope Drain. 5-17

5.4.11  Pipe Inlet Protection. 5-18

5.4.12  Skimmer Basin. 5-19

5.4.13  Coir Fiber Baffle. 5-20

5.4.14  Special Stilling Basin. 5-21

5.4.15  Temporary Rock Filter Dam.. 5-22

5.4.16  Railroad Erosion Control Detail 5-24

5.5    Maintenance and Inspection. 5-24

5.6    Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Compliance Notebook. 5-25

5.7    Inspection Reports. 5-25

5.8    Cleanup. 5-25

6.0..... Spill Prevention

6.1    Potential Spill Sources. 6-1

6.2    Construction Due Diligence. 6-2

6.3    Training Requirements. 6-3

6.4    Spill Prevention and Mitigation. 6-4

6.4.1    Methods and Procedures for Expeditious Contaminant Cleanup. 6-4

7.0..... Control and Disposal of Solid and Sanitary Waste

7.1    Non-Hazardous Solid Waste. 7-1

7.1.1    Control and Management of Solid Wastes. 7-2

7.1.2    Dumpsters. 7-2

7.2    Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste Management 7-2

7.3    Solid Waste Management Report 7-3

7.4    Control and Disposal of Hazardous Waste. 7-6

7.4.1    Disposal Turn-In Requirements. 7-8

7.5    Class I and II ODS Prohibition. 7-9

7.6    Universal Waste/e-Waste Management 7-9

7.7    Disposal Documentation for Hazardous and Regulated Waste. 7-9

7.8    Hazardous Material Inventory Log and Material Safety Data Sheets. 7-10

7.9    Chemicals and Chemical Waste. 7-10

7.10  Containment 7-11

7.11  Sampling and Analysis Plan. 7-11

7.12  Waste Determination Form.. 7-12

7.13  Hazardous Waste Training. 7-12

8.0..... Clean Air Act Compliance

8.1    Haul Route. 8-1

8.2    Air Resources. 8-2

8.3    Stationary Internal Combustion Engines. 8-2

8.4    Refrigerants. 8-2

8.5    Air Pollution-engineering Processes. 8-2

8.5.1   Hydrocarbons, Carbon Monoxide, and Oxides. 8-3

8.5.2   Particulates. 8-3

8.5.3   Odors. 8-4

8.6    Monitoring. 8-4

8.7    Compliant Materials. 8-4


Attachment A             ECATTS Certificates

Attachment B              RESUMES AND QUALIFICATIONS

(NAVFAC EPP:  81 Page Template)  

The NAVFAC EPP seems to be the plan that is most evolving.  Until recently, The NAVFAC used one of the EMP formats but recently (2015) they have started using new EPP formats.  

If your Specs require a NAVFAC EPP and the format does not resemble the format presented here, please contact us and we will prepare an EPP template that matches your specification exactly and provide it to you within 24-48 hours at the same price as the listed price for the EPP.

This offer is valid for any of the plans templates offered through

Please Contact Clifford Foreman at 206.734.4600 with any questions.